Saturday, December 11, 2010

Helping in Haiti 2010

Jay and I are joining with International Medical Assistance Team (IMAT) to provide medical support with the ongoing cholera outbreak in Haiti. We will be in Haiti for the week between Christmas and New Year. Nearly a year after the devastating earthquake humanitarian aid and medical relief is still a high priority. The recent cholera outbreak has significantly affected the people of Haiti. Medical teams are needed to provide supplies and support to reduce the numbers affected or dying from cholera.

The decision to go to Haiti has not been an easy one but it feels right. We have the skills and training necessary to provide aid and there is a need. I am sure this will be a life changing experience for us and we hope to help as many people as we can in our short time in country. Jay and I are contributing our costs out of pocket. If you would like to help us help others, you can donate to IMAT and indicate that your contribution is in support of Janet Peterson and Jason Swenberger for travel to Haiti, December 26th. The easiest way to donate is to use your credit card through the IMAT web site: click on “donate” in the lower right hand corner. If you prefer, you can send a check made out to IMAT indicating our names in the note. All donations are tax deductable. IMAT also accepts donations of medical supplies.

For more information on cholera

We hope you all have a wonderful holiday season.

Janet and Jay

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